Secure DNS the last Line of Defence

Providing the ultimate layer of security with "such" little effort

Block malicious web content

Detect network intrusions

Prevent data leakages when already infected.

Keep your sensitive data safe


The security business is a jungle. What really matters is your corporate assets and protecting your secrets. We give you the ammo.

What is Secure DNS

Secure DNS is an Internet traffic protection system thats blocks malware communication and access to malicious parts of the Internet, such as phishing sites, exploits and malware downloads.

Secure DNS is highly scalable and easy to implement in existing corporate IT environments. Secure DNS does not require any onsite hardware or software installation, and is easily implemented via a small configuration change in the internet facing DNS servers of the organization.

Keep it in the company

To keep sensitive data safe is the number one concern as data breaches occur worldwide by the minute*. Secure DNS not only blocks evil web content and detects intrusions to your infrastructure but also prevents data leakages when already infected.

Free internal resources and get a complete overview of the current IT security status. All implemented in one hour with no server or software installations.


Why are these services unique?

Unlike other Internet traffic filters, Secure DNS is only dealing with the combination of source and destination traffic. This is particularly an advantage when handling malware, data leak prevention and new threats. Besides blocking malicious content, it detects your network intrusions and prevents data leakage.

Since the service does not require any client software or configuration changes, it automatically covers all computers and devices in your network, from Macs and smartphones to embedded systems and unauthorized devices plugged in by your users.

With real-time information at your disposal you never need to wait for a knock at the door to tell you something is wrong.


Secure DNS services overview.


What differentiates Secure DNS from other web filters?

Most web and internet traffic filters today are proxy based. Proxy based filters are great for granular access control, detailed user logging and URL filtering, but does come with some disadvantages. Unlike most other internet traffic filters, Secure DNS filters are based on the source or distination of the traffic, instead of trying to analyze the traffic itself. This is particularly an advantage when dealing with malware, data leakage prevention and new threats, and a good combination to existing signature based protection mechanisms, such as Anti-Virus. Secure DNS is completely DNS based with a strict adherence to the ENDS standard. This makes is compatible with virtually every network-connected device and enables it to coexist with existing internet traffic filters.

All types of traffic

Unlike proxy and signature based web filters, Secure DNS blocks malicious traffic regardless of the type of traffic. Also encrypted traffic and traffic on non-http ports is blocked and logged, ensuring that costomized information stealers and root-kits does not go undetected.