Threat Detection services Protect your brand from Cybersquatting

Monitoring your online presence

Protect the credibility of your brand and assets

Guard your brand from scam mails to dropzone information pools

Protect your brand from online copy-cats

Take suspicious or damaging activity down


Be warned in time before everything burns

No single vendor has a lock on the world's threat intelligence and enterprises can't know what's bad ahead of time.

What is ITSH Threat Detection services powered by CSIS

ITSH Threat Detection is a unique intelligence service designed to monitor and provide early warning for external threats such as data breaches and brand abuse.

By systematically searching malicious parts on the internet for data from your organization, Threat Detection alerts you if you are exposed to data leakage or other types of threats, which could have damaging effects on your company.


Please contact us for reference. For security reasons we protect our clients' identities at all times.

How it works

Powered by CSIS we maintains a large global network of clients, tasked with interacting with malicious traffic flows, exchange points and command servers, continuously collecting threat intelligence. The collected informations is immedediately analyzed on many different key parameter, any information related to your company is flagged and reported to you via a secure web portal.

ITSH Threat Detection works completely outside your own network and you don't have to install or configura anything. All setup and configuration are handled by us.

Our Threat Detection services is avaleble in two packages, a "light" version suitable for small and medium size organizations, and a full version with advanced modules and access to security specialists. Our modules consists among other things of an honey net monitor, website scanner, blacklisting monitor, drop data monitor, underground crawler, trojan monitor, brand abuse, typo Squatting and take down services. Please contact us for more information.


Our Threat Detection services focuses on three main parameters

1. Detect hidden exposures.

eCrime and malware is a profitable business. Compared to 10 years ago, it has now developed specifically with the purpose of stealing information or performing malicious acts for profit.

Profit equals professional interests and newer malware contains advanced technology designed to penetrate even well protected networks.

There are no "silver bullets" for avoiding malware and IT threats. Any IT security product can be circumvented, and while multiple security products can be implemented to increase your network security, we believe that both an inside and outside approach is needed. By looking at traffic patterns from the outside, Threat Detecting helps indenify stolen data and malicious traffic originating from your network to provide early warning and actionable intelligence when things go wrong.

2. Know about data leakage before others do.

Company assets and access controls are increasingly stored and managed digitally. Digital assets can be copied and is difficult to keep track of, which is one of the main reasons why corporate data leakage is on the rise.

ITSH Threat Detection is designed to track stolen or leaked corporate assets and to provide an early warning of security breaches. Early warning is crucial in order to protect your brand, control PR, invalidata stolen access credentials and to notify customers before the leaked data is misused.

3. Comply with leagal requirements.

Depending on your industry sector and you business, data leakage prevention and disclosure is regulated and non-compliance may be subject to considerable fines.